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People from all over the world are very interested in Moving to Canada. Thousands of people from Britain move there every year because of its variety, beautiful scenery, and wide range of opportunities. But if you want to move to Canada, you probably also want to work there. Work immigration to Canada can be difficult, but Baxter Shipping is here to help. This guide tells you everything you need to know about working in Canada, from being eligible for Canada Express Entry to getting work permits.

Baxter Shipping knows a lot about moving and relocating internationally. Visit our International Moving Advice page or ask for a quote for our moving services today if you need help.

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Work permits

Your job in Canada is the only thing that will tell you if you need to apply for a work permit. Whether you are applying for your work permit from inside or outside of Canada will also change the requirements. Certain jobs in Canada need work permits, and you can check the Canadian Immigration website to see if yours does.

You can apply for a work permit in Canada even if you are not there. You can do this online or on paper. This application will let you show that you will leave Canada when your permit runs out, that you have enough money to support yourself and your family while you are there, that you are not a security risk to Canada, and that you have any other documents needed for your Canada work permit.

You will probably need at least one of the following documents to apply for a work permit:

# Your employer’s Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) number (if your job requires one).

# Through the Employer Portal, you can show that your employer has given you a job offer.

# Employment contract or letter (if the employer is exempt from the employer compliance process).

# Proof that you have the right certifications, licenses, or qualifications to work in the job you want.

You can also apply for an “open work permit“, which is a work permit that doesn’t have to be used for a certain job. This won’t need employer-specific paperwork, but it will still take a long time and be competitive.

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Canada Work Visa

If you want to go to Canada for any reason or for any length of time, you must get a visa. Visas let you stay in another country for a certain amount of time and for a certain reason. Because of this, if you want to work in Canada, there are certain visas that will let you do so.

Once you have shown that you meet the requirements to enter Canada, the Canada Visitor Visa will be put in your passport. This will let you stay in Canada as a tourist, a student, or a worker for a short time. Most people can stay in Canada for six months with a Canada visitor visa. If you want to stay in Canada longer than what’s written on your visa, you should apply for an extension at least 30 days before the end of the time you were allowed to stay.

Another popular way to get a job in Canada is through the IEC Working Holiday Visa in Canada programme. The International Experience Programme (IEC) does “draws” on a regular basis for people who have become candidates at any time. This is done by picking eligible applications at random and inviting the people chosen to apply for a work permit in Canada. To get a working holiday visa in Canada, you must meet the requirements listed on the Canadian immigration website.

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Canada Express Entry

Canada Express Entry is an online service that helps skilled workers move to Canada more quickly. There are three economic immigration programmes that will give you express entry into Canada. However, these programmes are very competitive, and the process is long and requires a lot of paperwork. In our blog, we explain the Express Entry programmes and what you need to do to be eligible for Canada Express Entry.

Keep reading: Express Entry to Canada Moving Guide

Canada’s Work Culture

In every country, the way people work is different. Even though there won’t be much of a language barrier for British people who move to Canada, they may still experience some culture shock.

One thing that might surprise you about the workplace in Canada is how equally everyone is treated. In the UK, companies tend to have different levels of employees, but in Canada, most employees are on the same level. This could mean that many people will have less traditional “management” and need to be more self-motivated.

Another difference that many immigrants who work in Canada have noticed is how feedback is given at work. Canadians are usually very direct when they talk to each other, but feedback is another part of communication that can be hard to understand. People tend to hide feedback in positive comments, so if you don’t pay close attention to your conversations at work, you might miss ways to improve.

If you want more information about moving to Canada, check out our Moving to Canada guide. It has information about international moves that is specific to Canada.

A lot of expats get ready for the practical parts of moving abroad before they leave, like researching the new area, making travel plans, or filling out visa applications. Intercultural communication is often overlooked when moving to a new country, but it should be at the centre of your move abroad. And just because you might be moving to a country that speaks the same language, there can still be lots to learn.

Everyone who moves to Ireland needs to know this. It’s not enough to just learn the local language. Getting to know a country’s culture can involve a lot of different things, such as:

# Cuisine

# Communication

# Attitudes towards smoking, drinking, and drugs

# Sociability

# Religion

# Gestures and body language

Here, we’ll talk about Irish culture and customs to help you get a head start as you start making plans to move there.

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Introduction to Irish culture

Ireland is a beautiful country that has been taken over many times. It is often called the Emerald Isle. Ireland still has traces of its ancient culture, and its traditions reflect the country’s often hard history. Irish culture has been mostly Gaelic for most of what we know about its history. However, it has been heavily influenced by Anglo-Norman, English, and Scottish cultures through invasions and settlements.

What is Irish culture?

Ireland’s culture is known for its music, writing, and dancing. The arts and language are also important parts of the country’s history and people. Even though leprechaun stories, Irish folklore, and Irish dancing might be the first things that come to mind when you think of Ireland’s culture, there is a lot more to learn and love.

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Religion in Ireland

Religion has always been an important part of life in Ireland. Before Christianity came to Ireland, the Celts followed a religion called druidism, which aimed to bring people together and teach them to respect nature. St. Patrick came to Britain around the year 432 and brought Christianity with him. This led to a lot of new traditions and changes in Irish culture and way of life. In the 1600s, protestant families started moving to Ireland, which was the start of religious, economic, political, and social conflict.

Today, Christianity is the main religion in Ireland, and the largest church is Catholic. In recent years, the number of Orthodox Christians, Hindus, and Muslims has grown a lot, mostly because of immigration.

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Cultural Irish Clothing

Clothing in Ireland has changed with the times, just like it has everywhere else. Ireland’s history and weather have both had an effect on the clothes people wear there. As you can see, clothes are a big part of Irish dancing. People often think of the old Irish people when they see brightly coloured dresses with embroidery and traditional Irish brooches.

At the beginning of the 20th century, it was common for Irish men to wear kilts as a sign of solidarity with other people who wanted to be free from England. These well-known pieces of clothing were a sign of rebellion. In fact, more rebellious people chose a shade of yellow called “saffron”, which was banned in England.

Because it rains a lot in Ireland, people there are used to wearing thin layers that they can add or take off as the weather changes. The Aran sweater, which was made of wool and kept rain off the skin, was another popular choice. Farmers and fishermen in Ireland wore these all year because they were cool in the sun and warm when it was cold.

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Irish Cuisine

Food says a lot about a place. The food they ate, the ingredients they had on hand, and how they made it all paint a picture of how people lived in the past. There are many different kinds of food to try in Ireland that come from old Irish customs. Here are a few popular Irish treats you might want to try:

Irish stew is a traditional stew made with lamb and vegetables.

Irish soda bread is a type of bread that can be made quickly and doesn’t need yeast. Irish stew is often served with soda bread.

Full Irish Breakfast: mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, bubble and squeak, baked beans, bacon, black pudding, sausage, Irish soda bread toast, and tea make up a full breakfast.

Shepherd’s Pie: lamb, vegetables, and gravy make up the filling, which is topped with mashed potatoes.

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Irish Language

Even though English is the most common language in Ireland, Gaeilge, a unique language, is also spoken. Gaeilge is a minority language because it is only spoken as a first language in places like Galway, Kerry, and Donegal. You might also find that Irish accents get stronger and harder to understand in very small villages, especially among older, more isolated Irish people.

There will be a lot of people in Ireland who can speak some Irish phrases. Here are some well-known Irish sayings:

Slainte! Cheers!

Dia Duit: “Hello!”

Failte -‘Welcome’

Is Mise…. – ‘My Name is’

Conas atá t, “How are you?”

Would you like to move to Ireland? Talk to one of our moving experts today, or use our online quote form to ask for one.

Baxter Shipping knows that pets are important family members. We can help you with all aspects of moving overseas, such as getting your pets safely to your new home, no matter where in the world that is.

Moving to another country with your pet

Moving abroad with pets can be a long process that can take up to six months in quarantine, so you should plan as far ahead as you can. When moving abroad, these are the countries that require a quarantine for pets:

# Australia

#New Zealand





#Hong Kong




#New Caledonia

Baxter Shipping helps you move your pet anywhere in the UK, Europe, or the rest of the world in a safe and friendly way.

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You might wonder why your pet needs to stay in quarantine. Well, most places that put pets in quarantine are island nations that don’t have many diseases that can be spread, like rabies. By putting pets in quarantine, these diseases can’t spread to other animals or pets in the area.

We know that moving your dog, cat, or bird to another country requires a lot of paperwork, so before you move anything else, make sure that your pet is allowed in the new country. You’ll also need to talk to your vet to find out what shots and checks your pet needs before it can fly. The consulate of the country where you want to go should be able to help you. Your pet’s vet will also be able to tell you if they think your pet is ready for a long trip or not. Older pets and pets with allergies may not do well in a hotter or colder climate than the one they are used to.

You can also talk to the International Pet & Animal Transportation Association (IPATA). They can help you find the best person to help you move your pet. They can also help you through the process and be there for you. By using these services, you will be sure to follow the rules and laws of the country you are visiting.

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As we’ve already said, moving your pets takes time. It’s important to pay attention to the timeline of the process because there may be windows where you have to finish certain tasks or times when you can no longer do anything for your application. Knowing when these times are will make sure that your process goes as smoothly as possible.

You can help your pet get used to moving by buying an airline travel crate so they can get used to the space. Making sure the pet likes the crate and making it comfortable with a blanket and their favorite toy will help them feel less stressed when they have to spend hours inside it while traveling. If your pet is still nervous after spending longer and longer amounts of time in the crate, your vet may be able to give you something to calm the pet down so it can travel.

Are you worried that your dog or cat will fly without you? Why not just call them? They will tell you about all the ways you can travel. They may also have other travel rules, so it’s best to find out about them ahead of time so you don’t have to pay extra fees or wait to move. If you don’t know what size crate to get, they can also suggest the best products for your pet. If your pet is under a certain weight, they may be able to fly in the cabin with you.

If you got your pet’s passport in Great Britain, it’s no longer valid. Instead, you need to get an Animal Health Certificate. The passport is still valid and can be used if it was issued in Europe or Northern Ireland. Only cats, dogs, and ferrets can use pet passports.

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Traveling in the EU?

To get an Animal Health Certificate, you must talk to a licensed veterinarian at least 10 days before you travel. You may also need to show the vet proof that your pet has been microchipped and has had all of its shots. Once the certificate is given, the pet can enter the EU for 10 days, travel within the EU for 4 months, or go back to Great Britain for 4 months.

If the pet is going to Finland, Northern Ireland, Norway, or Malta, it might also need treatment for tapeworms. Make sure your pet has all the necessary paperwork with them when they go to the country’s port of entry.

Spain is a popular place for people to move abroad, and the National Institute of Statistics says that 7.5 million foreigners live there, which is more than 15% of the total population. People come to this sunny country for a lot of different reasons. Some work their whole lives to be able to retire there. As an expat living in Spain, it’s important to try your best to learn about the local culture and explore every part of Spanish tradition.

We’ve made a helpful list of 7 things you should know about living in Spain, from how to learn the language to how to deal with the government.

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Learn the Language

One of the best ways to fit in with the people around you is to know how to speak Spanish. Sign up for online Spanish classes or start reading Spanish books and magazines to get started. Don’t worry about making mistakes; the people there will appreciate that you’re trying. It’s also important to know that most Spanish people can speak English, at least a little bit. Even if you have trouble communicating, it’s likely that your new Spanish neighbours will still understand what you’re trying to say.

Try the cuisine

Residents of Spain have a huge variety of foods to choose from, and traditional dishes use only the best, freshest ingredients. In Spain, each region has its own specialties that you can try at different restaurants, bars, and cafes.

From tapas, which come from the south, to paella, which comes from the east, we’re sure you’ll find something you like when you live in Spain.

Enjoy the weather

The nice weather is a big draw for tourists, and it’s also one of the main reasons why expats choose to live there. Most of the year, there is sunshine and warm weather, which is why you always see Spanish people outside.

When you live in Spain, you will see people of all ages out enjoying the sun, whether they are taking a walk, having a drink on the terrace, or sunbathing on the beautiful beaches. You should go outside and join them.

Understand the cost of living

Spain has a much lower cost of living than the UK and many other European countries. The prices vary a lot from place to place, but it’s important to remember that if the cost of living is low, it usually means that wages are also low.

Know the Spanish timetable

In Spain, most things happen much later in the day than in the UK or other parts of Europe. If you want to be a full part of Spanish life, you will have to make changes to everything from mealtimes to work hours.

In Spain, lunch is usually eaten between 2 and 4 p.m., followed by a snack around 6 p.m., and dinner is usually served after 9 p.m. This is important to remember if you plan to eat out in Spain, where most restaurants open later than you might be used to.

Attend a fiesta

Spanish fiestas usually involve a lot of drinking, dancing, and other fun activities. Fiestas vary from place to place, but if you go to one, you can really get to know the Spanish culture, music, and traditions.

La Tomatina is a food fight festival that happens every year on the last Wednesday of August. The fiesta takes place in the town of Bunol, and over a hundred tonnes of overripe tomatoes are used as weapons. Here, you can learn more about La Tomatina.

Dealing with bureaucracy

Bureaucracy is hard to deal with in any country, and Spain is probably no different. When you move to Spain, you will need to fill out a lot of forms, such as an NIE card. Falto Uno, which means “missing one,” is something you should be ready for. This means that no matter how many copies or documents you have, there is always a chance you will miss something. When going through the process, it’s normal to feel confused, not know what forms to fill out, or have the wrong ticket numbers. It’s important to have as much patience as possible and to learn as you go. Things have changed in Spain since the UK left the EU, so here’s what you need to know. Contact a member of the team today if you want to learn more about living in Spain or get a quote from Baxter Shipping.

The European Health Insurance Card, or EHIC, lets people in the EU get medical care from the government. But when the Brexit transition period is over, many things will be different between the UK and the EU, including this widely used European medical card. We’ve listed the most important changes and questions about the EHIC, what these changes mean for British expats in the EU, and how to apply for healthcare abroad and renew your international medical insurance card. Here, you can read about how to get an EHIC card after Brexit.

Are European Health Insurance Cards still valid after Brexit in the UK?

If you already have an EHIC card, which is good for up to 5 years, it will work until the date it runs out. But now that the Brexit transition period is over, the EHIC is being phased out (with a few exceptions) and replaced by the UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), which is a new international medical insurance card.

A recent report says that two-thirds of British citizens, or about 32 million people, do not have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), and three-quarters of the British population says they do not know what health insurance cards cover when travelling.

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How do you renew your European Health Insurance Card?

When a European Health Insurance Card runs out, it is not automatically replaced. You must instead submit an application to renew your card. If you’ve moved or changed your name since you got your last card, you’ll need to contact your local health office. You should fill out the form a long time before you want to travel. You can apply for a new card up to six months before the expiration date on your current one.

The new European Health Insurance Card is not available to most people in the UK. They are being phased out by the UK government. But if you meet certain requirements, you can ask the UK government for a new EHIC. This includes you if you are a citizen of the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein and have lived in the UK before January 1, 2021. People with old EHIC and GHIC cards will not be covered in these 4 countries.

Due to a high number of applications, the UK government is taking longer than usual to process new UK EHIC applications. You can apply for a provisional replacement certificate (PRC) if you need emergency care while you’re in another country but haven’t received your card yet.

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Can I renew my international medical insurance card online?

Yes, you can fill out an application online to renew your European Health Insurance Card. At the top of the screen, click on Renew current card.” Then, you’ll be asked to type in the 10-digit ID number that’s printed on your expired card. This number can be found in the bottom left corner of the front of your card. After that, you will be asked to confirm the address where the card will be sent. After this, you will see a screen that tells you that your application to renew your card was successful and that your card will be sent to you.

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European medical card in the UK: GHIC

People who live in the UK most of the time can get a GHIC, or UK medical card. So, if you’re from the UK but live abroad full-time, you probably won’t be able to use the GHIC or an EHIC from the UK, but there are some exceptions.

Some people from the UK who live abroad and some people from the EU who live in the UK will still be able to get a new EHIC from the UK. These things are:

# Students from the UK who have been studying in the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland since before January 1, 2021, will be allowed to stay there.

# UK state pensioners with a registered S1 form or E121 workers sent to work in another EU country (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Switzerland) by a UK employer and who have been there since before January 1, 2021

# Some people who are both British and European Union citizens and have lived in the UK since before January 1, 2021, will have to leave.

If you are a British citizen living in an EU country, you might be able to use an EHIC from that country when you travel to another EU country. See what the UK government says about how expats can get free healthcare in the EU.

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How does the new European Health Insurance Card work?

The GHIC is the same as the EHIC in how it works. It is a European medical card that gives temporary visitors from the UK access to emergency medical care and routine care (called “medically necessary state-provided healthcare”) at the same cost as a resident of the EU country they are visiting. So, if the care is free, the cardholder will get it for free. If people usually pay for care, they will also have to pay. The GHIC can also pay for regular maternity care (as long as the person hasn’t gone abroad to give birth) and regular care for pre-existing conditions if they need it during a visit. Despite what its name says, the GHIC is only good in the EU and not everywhere else.

Health care that is medically necessary includes the following:

# Treatment for emergencies and trips to A&E

# care for a long-term or already-existing health problem

# routine medical care for conditions that already exist and need to be watched

# As long as you don’t give birth abroad, you can get routine maternity care.

# Oxygen therapy and dialysis for the kidneys

Some treatments, like kidney dialysis or chemotherapy, will need to be set up ahead of time with the right health care provider in the country you’re visiting.

Both the GHIC and the EHIC were made to cover medical care in all EU countries. However, both have some restrictions.

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How much does the UK EHIC cost?

It costs nothing at all. You can apply for a GHIC on the NHS website if you are a UK or Irish citizen living in the UK.

Avoid sites that want you to pay for the Global or European Health Insurance Card.

Do I need a European medical card?

To travel through or to Europe, you don’t have to have either of these health cards. In the EU, not all public health care is free, and you might have to pay for services that are free on the NHS.

But if you have a global or European medical card, you can prove that you are eligible for free medical care in an emergency. Even though you won’t be turned away from emergency care, you could end up with a huge bill. Since these cards are free, they give travellers in the EU a lot of peace of mind.

Please keep in mind that your EHIC or GHIC doesn’t replace travel or health insurance. It may not pay for all health costs, and it never pays for the costs of going home. Make sure you have your card and travel and health insurance.

If you’re abroad and do not have your card with you

If you go to Europe without your current EHIC, UK GHIC, or new UK EHIC and need medical care while you are there, you can get a Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC) to show that you are eligible for medically necessary care. The PRC will give you the same coverage as an existing EHIC, UK GHIC, or new UK EHIC until you get back home.

Applying for healthcare cover abroad for family members

Each person in the family needs their own card. When you fill out your application, you can include a spouse, civil partner, durable partner, or children. You must first enter your own information and then apply for any extra cards when asked.

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Can I apply using the online service?

Our online service makes it easy for most people to apply.

If you are in one of the following groups, you will not be able to use the online service to apply and should contact NHS Overseas Healthcare Services:

# If you’re a student from the EU
# If you have an A1 from the UK,
# If you’re an au pair or nanny
# carers Chen and Ibrahim/Teixeira
# Dependent grandparents and grandchildren

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It’s very exciting to move abroad, but the idea of packing can be very stressful. Many people don’t give enough thought to how big their move will be, and sometimes it’s just not worth it to bring everything with you. It can be hard to know what and how to pack. That’s why we’re here to help. Here are our best tips for packing for a move overseas.

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Most likely, you have gained a lot over the years. Moving abroad is a great reason to get rid of things you haven’t used in a while, whether it’s furniture, clothes, kitchenware, or little things you’ve never even noticed. The first step is to figure out what you need. Then you should ask yourself, “Have I used this in the last year?” If the answer is no, it might be best to sell or donate the item. Apps like eBay and Depop that let you sell things are great ways to get rid of some stuff and make a little money. Not only will you have less to pack, but you might also save a little money on your move.


Research is very important when moving, especially if you’re going somewhere far away or even abroad. When choosing what to bring, it’s important to think about your new life and what it will be like. Make sure to find out about the weather, the cost of living, how easy it is to get there, etc. This is also a good time to find out what your country’s rules are, since some things might not be allowed in.

Create a Checklist

A clear checklist is important to make sure you remember everything, and it’s also a good way to keep track of what you’ve done. If you write everything down, you might find that you don’t need as much as you thought. Make two columns, one with the item’s description and the other with a small box. Just check off the things you have packed or want your moving company to wrap.

Keep reading: International Moving Checklist

Keep it light

When making your list, it’s important to keep it as short as possible and only include the most important things. You’ll be able to buy a lot of things in your new country, and it might be easier to do so. It might be worth it, for example, to buy your toiletries there.

Packing Your Clothes

Your moving company will probably take care of the bigger things, but smaller things like clothes will need to be put into bags or suitcases. Most people choose to fold their clothes, but it is much better to roll them. The more space you have, the tighter you can roll your clothes. You might even decide to use packing cubes or airtight bags to keep certain things together in a small, compact space.

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Label Everything

People often make a big mistake when they forget to label boxes and bags. Putting a small label or sticker on each of your bags will help you stay more organised by making it easy to see what you’ve already packed and what you still need to do. This will also make it much easier to unpack, which will speed up the process of getting settled.

Packing Your Bag

When it’s time to pack your bags, you should make sure everything is spread out evenly so that your things can be moved easily. Whether you use suitcases or duffle bags, the weight of your packed items should be about the same. We would also suggest putting the heavier pieces at the bottom so that the more fragile ones don’t get broken.

Pack your carry-on bag

Whether you are flying, taking a boat, or driving to your destination, it is important to pack a carry-on bag. First, your bag should meet the requirements for carry-on luggage, if that’s what you need to do. This is where you should keep important papers, toiletries, and medicines. You can also store your electronics and cables for charging them here.

What to Pack for an Overseas Move

Here is a list of the things you will need to take with you when you move abroad. This can help you make a packing list.


# Passport

# Visa and accompanying documentation

# Health insurance records

# Accommodation paperwork


# Mobile phone

# Tablet

# Laptop

# Headphones

# Camera

# Speaker

# Charging cables

# Country-specific adapter


# Medication

# Suncream

# Toothpaste

# Toothbrush

# Skincare

# Haircare

# Makeup

# Perfume

# Aftershave


# Tops

# T shirts

# Trousers

# Sweatshirts

# Jumpers

# Formal attire

# Jackets

# Coats

# Workwear

# Swimwear

# Gym wear

# Underwear

# Socks

# Nightwear

# Shoes

Don’t forget that you can buy most of these things in your new country.

Get your moving abroad checklist now and print it out.

Get a quote now for international moving service from Baxter Shipping.

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If you want to move to Canada, you might be wondering what the easiest way is to do so. Even if you’re just moving across the country, it can be stressful. Moving to a different country can add another level of difficulty. In 2015, Canada started a program called “express entry,” which lets skilled workers move there and get permanent residency after only a few months of applying. We explain who is eligible for Canada Express Entry so you can see how easy the process is and decide if it is right for you and your family.

What is the Canada Express Entry Scheme?

The Canada Express Entry scheme was started in 2015, and it is an online system that skilled workers can use to apply for permanent residence in Canada.

In the Canada Immigration Levels Plan for 2021–2023, the government said it would approve 100,000 applications for the Express Entry program each year. Candidates for immigration should fill out an application, and they will be ranked against each other based on their age, education, and work experience, among other things. Those whose applications are accepted will then be asked to fill out an application for permanent residency in the country.

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How Do I Know If I Am Eligible for Canada Express Entry?

If you’re thinking about moving to Canada permanently, express entry is one of the best and easiest ways to do so. But you may be wondering if you are eligible for Canada Express Entry and if you and your family are likely to be let into the country. Answering these questions on the Canadian Government website is a good way to see if you pass the first eligibility test. You can apply through the Canadian Experience Class Immigration Scheme if you have worked in Canada before on a visa. If not, you will have to use one of the following ways to apply:

Canada Express Entry Eligibility Guide

If you’re wondering if you can apply for Canada Express Entry, you can even if you’ve never worked there before. You can use the federal skilled trades class or the federal skilled worker program to apply for express entry. Both are explained below:

# Federal Skilled Trades Class: You can apply through this scheme if you have a skilled job, like being a doctor, plumber, or electrician, among other things.

# Federal Skilled Worker Program: Even if you don’t work in a skilled job, you can still apply and get in based on your level of expertise and other factors.

How Do I Create a Canada Express Entry Profile?

The next step is to make your Canada Express Entry profile online, but you will need some information to finish this profile. You will need to include some basic pieces of information, such as;

# Approved Language Test: Before making the move, you’ll need to take an approved language test in English, French, or both, which could help your score.

# Education Credentials Assessment (ECA): Technically, this is only required for federal skilled worker applications, but everyone is encouraged to do it because it could help your application.

# Valid Passport: This may seem like an easy step, but the application process can take several months, so if your passport is about to expire, you should renew it.

Once you have all of this information, you can go ahead and make your online profile for Express Entry. The application process can be started online.

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Can I improve my Canada Express Entry profile?

Yes, there are a few things you can do to improve your Canada Express Entry profile. Even if you don’t get in this year, you should still keep your profile up to date because you might get in next year. Some of the most important things you should think about are:

# Proof of Settlement Funds: This isn’t required if you have a valid job offer, but it can help your application if you can show you have $13,213 CAD per person.

# Valid Job Offer: Having a job offer in a related field is much more important than having a low-skilled job.

# Accurate Information: Don’t try to make your CV look better by adding skills or work experience you don’t have. This will show up on your visa application, and giving false information will cause your application to be denied.

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Have you ever thought about going to another country to live and work? It seems like 2021 would be a great year to move and start looking into all the great jobs you can get abroad. At first, it can seem scary, but we’re here to help. We’ve been helping expats around the world for almost 30 years. Read on to learn more about the best jobs for expats abroad so you can choose the right one for you. Are you ready to find the right job abroad?

Do you want to move your family to another country? Or have you already started Moving abroad We know that planning to move overseas gives you a lot to think about, but moving with your kids gives you even more to think about and plan. So, to make it easier for you, we’ve made a list of the best places in the world to raise a family and shared some top tips from expats who have already moved abroad with their families. What can you learn from the families who have already moved to new homes in other countries and are raising their kids there?

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The best countries to raise a family when you are relocating with kids

Moving abroad is a big decision for anyone, but if you have kids who will be moving with you, it can be even harder. There are a lot of benefits to living and working abroad at any age. However, it can be hard for kids to see the exciting parts of such an opportunity when they have to leave behind familiar places and friends. Language can also be a problem at first. If you are moving abroad with kids, you will need to do a lot of planning before you leave to make sure that everyone is happy with the move. So, where are the best places to raise a family in the world?

UNICEF ranked the best countries in the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) based on how family-friendly their national policies are.

# Sweden

# Norway

# Iceland

# Estonia

# Portugal

# Germany

# Denmark

# Slovenia

# Luxemburg

#  France

The UNICEF Office of Research—Innocenti was the source. Are the countries with the most money good for families? The policies of the OECD and the EU

Other studies have come up with slightly different lists since this ranking, which look at safety, happiness, cost, health, education, and time, among other things, as well as the best places to raise a family.

What are the best countries to raise a family?

The coronavirus has shown how hard it is to take care of children and work at the same time. Even before the pandemic, it was hard to find free or cheap child care, so this is something you should think about if you’re moving with kids. So, the list below looks at the world as a whole and ranks countries based on how well they do in different areas, such as safety, cost of childcare, happiness, health, education, maternity leave, and paternity leave.

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Iceland is known as one of the best places in the world to be a mom, and it’s also the best place in the world for working parents. This is because both parents have a lot of freedom and benefits when it comes to raising their children. Parents in Iceland get to spend more time with their babies. Nearly 90% of fathers take the required 3 months of paternity leave, and research shows that Icelandic dads stay involved in their kids’ lives, whether they are at work or at school. Mothers and babies are welcome everywhere, even in parliamentary sessions. This is because babies need to be close to their mothers at this important time in their development.

After their babies are born, Icelandic parents have a lot of activities and places for their kids to go that make it easier for them to get around. By simply letting their kids be a part of as many of their life experiences as possible, parents can help their kids bond with them through the special moments and memories they share.

Parents learn how to juggle their work and social lives while still being involved in their kids’ lives. Parents don’t feel like they have to choose between family and work, so they take turns raising their kids and have space and time to grow as people.


The Scandinavian countries are on our list of the best places to move with kids because they have a great track record when it comes to child care, safety standards, and infrastructure. People who have a GDP per person of more than $52,000 are happy to pay higher taxes because they are getting the best place to raise their children. Denmark is one of the best places to raise a family because it is safe, cares about human rights, supports equal rights for men and women, and has a strong public education system.

Some of the reasons for this are that the government promotes gender equality by offering a daycare system that is tied to a person’s income and a very flexible policy for parental leave. There aren’t many hours to work, so it’s fine to leave at 3 or 4 to pick up your kids. There is a good way to keep young children healthy. When your child is a baby, a nurse comes to your house. After that, a doctor will check on you regularly. If your child has a cold, you can stay home with her instead of going to work. The first two days off are paid.

And there’s the daycare system, of course. It’s not free, but it’s not too expensive, and it’s nice to be able to leave your child with trained people in a safe place while you go to work.


Human rights and the environment are both perfect in Sweden, a country with 10 million people. The country has one of the highest child security standards and the best health and education infrastructure in the world. If you have kids, moving there should be a great idea.

People say that Sweden is a great place to raise a family. The Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Forsakringskassan) makes it possible for parents to spend more time with their kids. When a child is three years old, they get 525 hours of free care a year. Paid parental leave is also part of the system. Each child gets 480 days of paid leave, which is insured at 80% of the parent’s income.

Both parents should take an active role in raising their children. This includes taking time off work to care for a sick child or to go on paid parental leave. Parents can switch days with each other or share them.


Many people agree that Finland is one of the safest places in the world. With all the dangers in the world today, like war, crime, and terrorism, being safe and sound is the most important thing for any family moving with kids. Above all else, parents worry most about their children’s safety in the world. With all the dangers in the world today, like war, crime, and terrorism, being safe and sound is the most important thing for any family moving with kids. Above all else, parents worry most about their children’s safety. Knowing you live in a country that is known for being safe makes this worry less important.

All mothers in Finland can apply to get a baby box, which is a box with many baby-care items that can also be used as a crib. New mothers can choose to get either a baby box or a crib. If the family doesn’t need this package, they can ask for a tax-free payment of 140 euros per newborn, which is paid for by the Finnish government. The government also pays mothers for four months while they are on maternity leave. This is true not only for mothers with regular jobs, but also for those who are self-employed, in school, or even unemployed. Even better, these benefits can be used by “rainbow families,” or families with people of the same gender.

The cost of public day care (varhaiskasvatus) is based on how much money the family makes. The most that a city can charge for early childhood education is US$340 (€288) for the first child and US$170 (€144) for the second. Each child must pay at least US$32 (€27).


Norway is thought to be one of the best places for kids to live in terms of the environment. With a population of more than 5 million, Norway is the westernmost country on the Scandinavian Peninsula. It is known for its very advanced health care and education systems. With a per capita income of more than $74,000, Norway is a great place for kids to grow up in the happiest environment. This is good to know if you are moving with kids.

The care and development of children are also top priorities, which is another reason why Norway is a great place to raise kids. Children of all ages can play outside, which helps their creativity, and every city in Norway has a wide range of things for families to do. In Norway, children start kindergarten when they are one year old. This is right after parental leave ends. This is called a “barnehage,” and most children go to one in their town or city. There are also different kinds of kindergartens based on how many hours a day you need care for your child. This gives you a few options, including ones where you can talk to other parents while your child plays.

In Norway, your family always comes first, and since employers know this, they are very understanding when your sick kids need you to take care of them. Also, all children under the age of 16 are entitled to free medical care, including dental care, so there’s no need to worry if you and your family are moving to Norway.

The Netherlands

When it comes to health and welfare, the Netherlands is like another North European country that is at the top of the list when it comes to raising children and moving with children. The country is known for its strong family values and freedom. It also has the highest rating for its environment and the safest standards for children. The country of windmills and ports has 17 million people and the best health and education systems in the world. People with a GDP per person of more than $56,000 spend a lot on child care.

There are many ideas about why the children in the Netherlands are the happiest in the world, but most people agree that it’s a mix of many things. In the Netherlands, a child’s thoughts and ideas are valued and taken into account. In fact, children are taught from a young age to say what they think. Schools and international daycare centres often work with a group of children called a “children’s council” that meets regularly to talk about and make decisions about important issues.

The Dutch government encourages cities to help children’s rights and interests by doing things like setting aside 3% of residential areas for playgrounds, sandboxes, and other things for kids. In the Netherlands, it is not uncommon for a neighbourhood to have more than one playground, soccer field, or fitness area.


Switzerland has the best care for mothers and babies in the world. Moving with kids can be a great idea. In Switzerland, for example, mothers are surrounded by helpful, knowledgeable people who have time to spare from the moment their babies are born. There’s no hurry to get new moms out of the hospital. It takes time to help the mother start breastfeeding if she wants to. Most of the time, it is wanted. Nearly two-thirds of babies were only breastfed for the first three to four months, which is much longer than in most other European countries.

Most Swiss parents don’t like to leave their kids with child care providers. This may have something to do with the fact that poor parents used to have their children taken away by the government. A lot of kids are cared for by their grandparents, and moms of young kids rarely work full time. More fathers are also cutting back on the hours they work.

Top tips from expats relocating with kids

Moving abroad with kids can be one of the best things you ever do, and more and more families are doing it because they think it’s something everyone should do at least once in their lives. But moving abroad with kids isn’t easy. In addition to money, emotions and expectations need to be taken into account before hopping on a plane to make sure the move goes well. What school will they go to? How will they get comfortable? Will they get along? How does a child react to moving? How can you make sure your kids get the most out of their time as an expat, whether you’re moving for good or just for a while?

We’ve put together some of the best tips for moving with kids to help you make sure the move is a good one for the whole family. No one knows how to move with kids better than those of us who have already done it.

Getting ready to move

Ask experienced expats, and they’ll all agree that it’s important to include the kids in the research and planning for moving abroad. Talk to your kids about where you’re going, why, and what the move will bring you. They might be happy about moving, but if they are worried, listen to what they have to say and talk with them about the problems.

If at all possible, go to the place you’re moving to before you move there. You can even let your older kids help you choose a home.

Try to find out what the weather is like where you want to move. If it’s sunny, the kids might be more interested in moving abroad.

We also suggest looking into the local and traditional holidays where you are moving. Usually, Christmas and New Year’s are spent with friends and family. If Christmas is the most important holiday in your family, imagine spending your first one in a new country where you don’t know anyone, you might not even be able to buy a Christmas tree, and all the gifts you sent by mail haven’t arrived yet.

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Research children’s healthcare

One of the most important things to think about when you move to a new country is the health of your children. When deciding where to go, it’s important to find out what’s there.

  • Will your child be able to get health care from the government, and how good is that care?
  • Will you live near doctors’ offices and hospitals that are easy to get to?
  • How easy will it be for your child to get the medications or treatments he or she needs?
  • Will your children be covered if the company you work for gives you health insurance?

Call the local hospitals or doctors and ask other expats for advice through online forums and Facebook groups.

When you get to your new country, keep in mind that you can avoid a lot of health problems by using common sense. Make sure your kids know the safety rules about water. For example, can they use tap water to brush their teeth? The same goes for food safety, especially at markets and street stalls.

But because the quality and availability of public health care vary so much from country to country, not all expats will move to a place with good local health care. You might even have to pay for private health care, so it’s important to get international health insurance before you go anywhere.

Expat children’s vaccinations

Find out what vaccinations your children need for the country you want to move to before you make the move. They might be different from the ones they usually get at home because the health risks in the country you’re moving to might be different.

You’ll also need to make sure your child’s vaccinations are up-to-date while you’re abroad. Be aware that each country has its own schedule for immunisations, so your child may get their shots at a different age than they would at home.

Education for expat children

When it comes to schooling for their school-aged children, expat parents have a few options:

# Local schools

# International schools
Again, it’s important to do research before choosing a place to live. Whether or not you send your child to a local school may depend on how good the public schools are in the country where you’re moving. One good thing about doing this, though, is that it will definitely help your child learn the language of their new home, which will help them in the long run.

On the other hand, your children will be able to meet other kids in the same situation as them at an international school. This may help them feel more at home.

When deciding when to move, you should also think about schools. It might be hard for your child to start a new school in the middle of the year, so you might want to plan your move for the beginning of a new school year. Find out when school terms start and how to enrol. Even in your own country, it can be hard for a child to start a new school in the middle of the school year. Imagine if they were starting a new school in a new country under the same conditions. Try to help your kids feel more at home in the new country.

Think of safety

Make sure your kids know how to stay safe in their new home. For example, they should know which neighbourhoods are safe, if it’s safe to travel alone, and if there are any natural dangers they should be aware of. Theodora and her son live in Bali. The beach is a great place for kids to meet each other, but there are some risks to watch out for. “Make sure you and your kids know how to stay safe in the water. Sea currents are nothing to joke about,” she says.

It takes time to find a place to live in the right neighbourhood. It also takes time, which many people just don’t have when they get there. But it doesn’t have to be full of mines. It’s much easier to compare properties in your city if all the information is laid out in a clear way. Services vary from country to country, but many real estate websites have powerful search engines that let you tailor your home search.

Most expats settle in well during their first year if they do the right things before they move and get help from relocation agents. Most go on to have a richly rewarding experience. But you can’t say enough about how important it is to find the right place to live in the right neighbourhood. Also, teach your kids about any cultural differences that could get them into trouble.

Singapore and Thailand have much better medical care than the US.”

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Make your new house a home

Even before you ship your things to a new country, letting your kids make small decisions about what to bring helps them feel in charge and a part of the move. Younger kids might get upset if they see all their toys and belongings being taken away. Make sure to reassure them that they’re just being moved to a new room.

Ask your kids to pack their three desert island essentials in their survival bags for the move. This will keep them busy on the trip or while they wait for the rest of their things to arrive. You can also make the change easier by bringing things from home on the plane instead of waiting for them to arrive later.

Moving to another country takes a lot of time and planning, and you’ll need to think about more than just finding the best moving companies. It’s harder to plan than a cross-country move because of things like immigration, customs, shipping across the ocean, and more. But you can move without a lot of trouble if you have a good plan. Use this International Moving checklist to make sure that moving to your new country is easy and doesn’t cause you any stress.

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Start Early

The sooner you start, the easier it will be to deal with any problems or surprises that come up. Start at least six months ahead of time (if you have the time). Do some research on your destination to learn more about its culture, habits, and laws. Moving is already stressful, but if you do a little research before you pack, you’ll know what to expect when you move to your new country .

Consult an immigration professional

To move to or visit many other countries, you may need certain papers. An immigration professional is an expert who can help you make sure you have everything you need to move to another country legally. They will help you understand immigration laws, deadlines for paperwork, immunisation requirements, and other rules about bringing household items into the country. Visit one at the start of the moving process to get started on the paperwork.

Sort out housing

Getting a place to stay when you are far away may be harder than you think. Relocation consultants and real estate agents can help you find the best place to live for your needs. Whether you need temporary housing or want to buy a home in a different country, let professionals who know the local laws and real estate markets do the searching for you.

Research international moving companies

If you want to move your belongings to another country, you will need more time and permits. There are moving companies that specialise in international moves. We’ve put together a list of the best international moving companies, but it’s up to you to do your research and get quotes from several reputable companies. Make sure the business has a license and a bond. A reputable company will also help you fill out the right customs forms so that your items can be brought into the country legally.

Research tax laws

If you work in another country, you might have to pay taxes in both that country and the country where you were born. Talk to a tax expert to find out how your tax situation will change when you live abroad.

Consider healthcare options

Healthcare doesn’t always work the same in every country, and your health insurance policy may not be accepted in a hospital outside of your home country. If you have to move because of your job, your company may pay for it. You could also buy international health insurance instead.

Get Your Documents

There will be paperwork when you move to another country. A passport is the most important piece of paper. It can take a while to get a passport, so it’s best to apply for one as soon as you can. You may also need to fill out an application for a VISA, especially if you want to work or go to school. The process for getting a VISA also takes some time. You should also have the following documents on hand:

# Birth certificate or adoption papers

# Child custody papers

# Divorce papers

# Drivers license

# Marriage certificate

# Social Security card

# Medical/Dental records

# School records

Pet Documentation

Different countries have different rules about how to move your pets. It is very important to find out what the country’s rules are about bringing live animals into the country. Some countries may not allow pets from other countries or may only allow certain types of dogs. Most of the time, you will need to show that your pet’s vaccinations are up to date with a health certificate. In some cases, your pet may need to be quarantined as soon as you get there.


Depending on the country, there are vaccinations that are recommended to keep you from getting sick in places where there is a risk of getting sick. Check with your local travel health clinic or health department to find out what vaccinations you need before you go. Some vaccines take a certain amount of time to work, so get a jump on the process. Keep your records of immunisations with your other health records and travel documents.

Access to funds

You’ll have to find a way to get to your money. Talk to the people at your bank to find out if they have branches in other countries. If not, you might want to open a new account when you get there. Many banks offer online banking, which makes opening an account easier from anywhere in the world. It also makes it easier to get to your money from anywhere.

Cell phone service

Check with your current cell phone provider to see if they offer cheap cell service in another country. If not, you can get your phone unlocked and buy a SIM card when you get to your destination.

Countdown to Moving Day

There will be a lot going on in the month before you move. Here is a simple moving abroad checklist to make sure your trip goes smoothly.

One Month

# Check with your international moving company to make sure of all the dates and details.

# Finish any last-minute paperwork, such as permits, customs forms, vaccination certificates, etc.

#  Fill up on any medicines you will need on the way.

# Buy travel guides to find out what your new country has to offer.

# Start packing.

Two Weeks

# Set up a change of address or mail forwarding with the post office. Make sure your friends and family know where to send you mail.

# Take care of any last-minute shopping you need to do for travel necessities. Get the things you love but won’t be able to find in your new country.

# Buy an adapter for more than one country. This is a must if you don’t want to fry your electronics when you charge them in your new home.

# Make copies of your passport, driver’s licence, credit card, and any other important papers you have. Give the copies to a family member or friend you can trust. This is a safety measure that can help if you lose or have your wallet stolen while you are travelling.

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One Week

# You should get cash or traveler’s checks so you can get money right away.

# Tell your credit card company that you are moving so that you can buy things in another country.

#  Make sure your flight or other travel plans are still good.

Montreal is the biggest city in the Canadian province of Quebec. It is one of the most well-known French-speaking cities outside of France. Today, Montreal is a busy city where most people speak both French and English. There is a mix of Parisian and North American culture, which makes it a fun place to live. But if you plan to move to the area, you might be looking for moving to Montreal tips. We’ve put together a guide on how to move to Montreal to make sure you have everything you need.

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What to Expect from Montreal

As has been said, Montreal has changed over the past few years to become a city where more than 56% of the people speak both French and English. English and French speakers used to think of the city as being split between East and West, but now the city is much more united. Montreal is only 60 km from the US border, and a flight to New York City takes only 1.5 hours. You can expect Montreal to have all the qualities of a North American city, along with the bistros and bakeries of Paris.

This mix of cultures makes for a good mix of high culture and fun in a city that is busy with business. A lot of high-tech companies from the pharmaceutical, aerospace, telecom, and software industries are based in the city. For many years, Montreal was known as the business capital of Canada. Recently, Toronto took over that title, but Montreal is still a huge center for business.

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Moving to Montreal from the UK

With the express entry visa process, you can move to Montreal from the UK to live and work there. The Skilled Worker Visa Program is the most common way to move to Montreal. If you are working in Canada on a short assignment, you can stay for up to 6 months without a visa. But unlike the rest of Canada, Quebec and Montreal are French-speaking provinces, so if you don’t already know the basics, it’s a good idea to try to learn them.

If you move to Montreal with kids who don’t speak French, there are more than 40 elementary schools and 17 high schools that teach in English. The government of Quebec gives permanent residents free online courses and free weekly lessons, so you can learn French even if you live in the city. Even though it has a smaller population than London, the area of the city is much bigger, so you should check out each neighbourhood and make sure you choose the right one for your needs.

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Is it Expensive to Live in Montreal?

When you move to a new country or city, one of the things you worry about most is whether or not the cost of living will be different from what you are used to. Our blog has a lot of tips on how to save money when moving abroad, so make sure to read it before making any decisions. If you don’t plan for certain costs, moving abroad can be a big surprise because it can make a big difference in your quality of life. So, we made a guide to living costs compared to London, which is often thought of as one of the most expensive places to live.

Overall, the cost of living in Montreal is much lower than what you might expect in London, though some groceries are more expensive. If your salary in Montreal is the same as it would be in London, you will find that you have a lot more money to spend than you would if you lived in London.

These are some of the best things to think about if you want to move to Montreal, but there are a lot of other things you should think about as well. Make sure you learn about the different parts of Montreal and find the right area for you and your family. You should also think about how you will move your things to a new country. Baxter Shipping helps people all over the world move internationally and gives them advice on how to do it. We can help you make sure your move goes well and that you’ve thought of everything you’ll need.