
Top 10 International Expat Jobs to Work Abroad

Have you ever thought about going to another country to live and work? It seems would be a great year to move and start looking into all the great jobs you can get abroad. At first, it can seem scary, but we’re here to help. We’ve been helping expats around the world for almost 30 years. Read on to learn more about the best jobs for expats abroad so you can choose the right one for you. Are you ready to find the right job abroad?

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How to find expat jobs abroad

Since working from home has become more popular around the world, opportunities for expat workers have grown. Anyone with a desire to travel and a sense of adventure can now find an expat job abroad much more easily. The world has never been more international.

People have made New Year’s resolutions to change careers, and there’s no better time than now to think about looking for your next job outside of the country. Working abroad is one of the best things you can do for your career, but some jobs are better suited to it than others. Many people think it’s hard to find a job abroad or that you don’t have much of a chance if you don’t speak the language.

There are many ways to start looking for a job online, whether you want to work for a start-up or a more traditional company. With some planning and smart moves, you could be living your dream life before you know it.

You will have to decide if you want to work somewhere that is familiar to you linguistically, culturally, or in terms of food, or if you want to try something completely new and get out of your comfort zone. Once you know this, you can start looking into the best industries for working abroad. We have also put together a full guide on how to find a job in a different country.

Work abroad: What is going on with the international job market?

LinkedIn released a full report on the jobs that are growing by industry at the start of this year. Even though there was a pandemic in 2020, the number of open jobs only went up. After the pandemic, the global job market starts to get better. Even so, the main reason people move abroad is still to find work.

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Technology, data science, and artificial intelligence jobs abroad for expats

Working in a specialized field, like technology, can help you get the best jobs for expats in the US, where it can be hard to get work visas and Green Cards. If you are an expert in your field, you might be able to find a company that will pay for your H1B visa. These visas let US companies hire professionals from other countries to work in the US. There is a limit of 65,000 visas given out each fiscal year.

Data makes the world work. Experts who can make sense of the data and learn from it are needed by both big and small businesses. Because the world is becoming more uncertain, the pandemic may have made some businesses depend more on data scientists. Since January 2019, almost 46% more people have been hired for these jobs.

Before the pandemic hit, jobs in artificial intelligence (AI) were booming. Even the coronavirus didn’t stop the field from growing. During the pandemic, many businesses looked to AI as a way to keep up with the rise in demand. Others also looked into AI as a way to protect their businesses from future problems. Between 2019 and 2020, the number of jobs in this area grew by 32%.

Finance jobs for expats abroad

Singapore is ranked the second-best place to live and work abroad by HSBC’s 2020 Expat Explorer survey. One of the most popular jobs for expats is in finance. Entrepreneurs are welcome in the city-state, as are people who work for companies in Singapore that will apply for visas for them. In Dubai, there are also jobs for expats in the finance industry. Accountancy and banking are two of the most in-demand fields.

This year, loan experts have been busy because of historically low interest rates and the launch of Paycheck Protection Program loans in the United States. This has led many companies to look for more loans. Nearly 59% more people were hired for these jobs in 2020 than in 2019. About a quarter of loan officer job postings say that remote work is an option for people who want to work from home.

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Business development and sales professionals Jobs abroad for expats

Businesses had to quickly change in order to deal with a world and economy that were uncertain. Even though some jobs were lost, others were created that could help businesses’ bottom lines and help them get through the pandemic. More than 45% more people were hired for these jobs between 2020 and 2019.

Digital marketing and expats

People who were stuck inside because of the pandemic turned to the internet to pass the time, so businesses were eager to get their products and services on their screens. These jobs are all about figuring out how to get your attention in a digital world that is already full of ads. Nearly 33% more people were hired for digital marketing jobs than the year before.

In Europe and Asia, there are a lot of marketing and PR jobs. Even if you only speak English, you might be able to find a job abroad because there are so many ways to communicate in English in many countries. Every business needs a marketing professional to help them grow and reach their business goals, so you will have a lot of job opportunities and can get a visa sponsored in almost every country.

Expat Jobs Abroad: Digital Nomads and Digital Content Creators

As a digital nomad, you use technology to work from different places. This could be perfect for people who want to travel while working abroad. There are some perks for digital nomads who work in certain places for a set amount of time.

As people stayed inside, many of them went online to find entertainment and connect with others. Streaming and social media sites stepped up to meet the demand. From TikTok to YouTube, blogs to podcasts, the demand for digital content creators grew by 49% from one year to the next, giving us all a steady stream of entertaining media.

Education professionals and language teachers’ jobs abroad for expats

Few systems had more to do in 2020 than schools and colleges, which had to quickly change how they work and teach. In addition to primary and secondary school teachers, there was a growing need for support workers and tutors. Between 2019 and 2020, more than 20% more people were hired for these jobs.

If you are a native English speaker and want to move abroad, the world is at your feet. About 250,000 native English speakers work as language teachers outside of their home countries. And because more people around the world want to learn English, teaching English can be one of the best jobs for expats in Europe and other places. You should do well with a TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) certificate.

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Nursing as an expat job

Nursing, especially taking care of older people, is one of the best jobs for expats in New Zealand because it is on a long list of skills that the country needs more of. Nursing is a sought-after job in many countries, including the United States. When they start their research, people who want to move abroad will need to make sure that their credentials are accepted in the country they want to move to.

Nurses are the backbone of the health care system, and it’s clear that the world needs them as it tries to get back on its feet after the worst of the pandemic. But these jobs aren’t just in hospitals. There are a lot of places that need nurses, like long-term care centers, schools, urgent care centers, and more. There is a need for nurses for more than just the coronavirus. An aging population is one of the main reasons for this need. In 2020, the need for nurses grew by almost 30% from the year before.

Expat jobs abroad: health care and supporting staff

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, there was a sudden and long-lasting need for doctors and nurses. The same was true for people who help doctors and nurses. These people help patients move through the healthcare system, keep doctors’ records in order, and do a lot more. Since 2019, more than 34% more people have been hired for these jobs.

Nanny or au pair as a job for expats

Working as a nanny or au pair in another country is a great way to see how people live there. Living with a family in another country also gives you the chance to learn the language and see how people live there every day. Many people who move abroad start out as au pairs. Once they learn some of the language, they move on to other jobs in their host country. Just make sure that you have the right work permit for the job you want.

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Hospitality and tourism jobs for expats abroad

A lot of expats work in the hospitality industry. Before the pandemic and Brexit, it’s estimated that 30% of hospitality workers in the UK were from outside the country. Many hotel chains are international businesses that can find managers, chefs, front desk staff, and people who work in communications and marketing from all over the world.

Working as a tour guide, helping out at a resort, or working on a cruise ship are all jobs that expats can do in the tourism industry. This is especially true for those who speak more than one language well. After the pandemic, the industry is likely to grow quickly, so start planning now for your next job.

Next steps to finding expat jobs abroad

Many people in their field think that it’s not a good fit for a job overseas. We think that any job could work for a job abroad. You just need to look for the chances. The best first thing you can do is go out and meet people in your new country. Networking is even more important outside of your home country than it is at home.

How to find expat jobs

Work is a big reason why people move abroad. According to statistics, it’s a factor in 43% of cases. But while some people will be headhunted by an overseas recruiter or sent abroad by their current employers, many others will have to find a job overseas on their own.

# Do some research to find out what different countries want. For example, New Zealand and Australia have lists of jobs where there aren’t enough people with the right skills.
# Make sure you have a valid visa and permission to work. Since the end of the Brexit transition period, UK citizens need a visa to stay in a Schengen country for more than 90 days or do certain jobs there.
# Have international health insurance: in some countries, companies are required to get their expat employees health insurance. In some places, visitors are not allowed in unless they have international health insurance. Also, make sure you have the paperwork that lets you get free state healthcare: a GHIC if you’re British or an EHIC if you’re from Europe.

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