
Taking Care of Your Pet’s Emotional Needs When Moving Abroad

Moving to a new country can be hard on everyone, including your pets. Animals will find it very scary to move to a new place. If your pet spends a lot of time outside, taking them away from their normal area and routine will be a shock to their system and make them confused. This can make them feel lost and upset because they don’t know where they are, who their neighbors are, or how to get home.

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We’ve helped a lot of people move their pets around the world safely, and we’ve learned that preparation is the key to keeping your pets calm before, during, and after the move. It will also help your pet get used to their new home more quickly.

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How to settle a dog into a new home:

# Once you’ve moved, put familiar things like a blanket, toy, or pillow in the room where your dog will spend the most time. These things will still have your dog’s scent on them, so your dog will know they belong to him.

# Make sure your pet can’t get out of your new home by putting gates on the stairs and making sure any fencing in the yard is secure.

# Make sure to explore your new area safely and always use a leash.

# Reward good behavior and things that are good.

# Try to keep the same schedule in your new home as you did in your old one. For example, go for walks at the same time of day, eat at the same time, and get up and go outside to the bathroom in the morning.

# Don’t buy new dog gear such as bowls, beds, and blankets, as your dog will struggle to adjust to their new surroundings without the comforts of their old home.

# Don’t leave your dog alone at home right after you move. It will make them feel uneasy. They need to learn how to be alone in a strange place without you.

# Be patient with your dog. Since they are in a new place, they may be nervous, sad, and less likely to play. Give them time, and they will go back to their old ways once they are comfortable.

# Get a new tag with the right information so that if your dog gets lost, people can easily contact you instead of not being able to reach you and giving the dog back.

It can be hard to tell if your dog is anxious when you move into a new home, but there are a few signs to look for: aggression, urinating or defecating in the house, excessive barking, panting, and drooling. To help them deal with this anxiety, you should plan to be away from them for only a short time after you move. Try to do this when they are most likely to be sleeping or resting, so they won’t notice if you’re there or not. Also, don’t take too long to say goodbye to your dog. Give them a treat, say your goodbyes, and then leave.

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How to deal with a cat traumatized by moving home:

# Like dogs, cats get upset when they have to move to a new place because they usually spend a lot of time outside and can easily find their way home. They also know their neighborhood well, so moving to a new place can throw them off.

# If the cat is with you during the move, make sure it is in a cat carrier or locked in a room where it can’t get out. You don’t want your cat to get into the moving van, because if it does, you’ll have to try to get it back.

# Make sure to bring the cat inside at least a week or two before your move so that it gets used to being inside. This will make it easier for the cat to be moved and, if necessary, quarantined.

# Change how your cat feels about their carrier so that it isn’t something bad.

# Leave the carrier where they want to be.

# Have fun in the carrier and around it so they know it’s a good place.

# You can teach your cats that the carrier is a good place by giving them treats while they are in it.

# Put their favorite towel or blanket and some toys in the carrier so they can be comfortable and want to stay there.

# Put empty boxes around the house a week before you move to give them a chance to play with them and get used to having boxes in their space for a short time. This will help them feel less anxious.

# To get rid of stress, plug in a calming diffuser or try other ways to relax.

# When you move into a new home, it’s best to slowly increase the cat’s territory so it can get used to the new space.

# Get a new tag for their collar so that if they get lost, people will know who to contact.

The best way to move your pet is to use a reputable pet relocation service. The process can take a few months, so get started on it early. You’ll need to make sure your pet is up-to-date on vaccinations and paperwork before they move.

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You can also talk to the International Pet & Animal Transportation Association (IPATA). They can help you find the best person to help you move your pet. They can also help you through the process and be there for you. By using these services, you will be sure to follow the rules and laws of the country you are visiting.

Here at Baxter Shipping Moving Service, we know that your pet is part of the family and should be treated as such. Contact us for further advice and a free, no-obligation quote on moving your pet by calling Baxter Shipping.

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