
Our Top Packing Hacks for Moving Abroad

Leaving for a new country? Trying to figure out what to pack to move abroad? With years of experience moving people and their families abroad, we’ve put together our best packing tips, including the best things to pack when moving abroad, to make your move easier.

It can be hard to move all of your things, so it may be best to travel as lightly as possible. Start by getting rid of a few things. Sell or give away furniture and accessories that you won’t need.

First, if you haven’t used it in six months, get rid of it because you probably won’t use it in the next six months.

Consider selling things like:

# Fridge

# Washing machine/dryer

# TV

# Sound system

Most of the time, these things aren’t worth moving abroad. They are too big to ship and probably won’t work with the electricity in the country you are moving to, so you should either get rid of them or find a place to store them for the time being.

If you are moving into a place that is already fully furnished, like a serviced apartment, you don’t need to bring any of your old furniture with you. You might want to take a few things with you, like a favorite chair, but you should use a self-storage facility for your other large furniture, like beds, sofas, and wardrobes. Some things can be cheaper to buy new when they get there than to ship there.

Books and DVDs can be given to friends, family, or charities, or they can be stored. These are heavy and take up a lot of space. So just take your favorites with you to save on shipping costs.

Get rid of any clothes you won’t need in the new country. For example, don’t bring winter clothes to a country where it’s warm all yearbring winter clothes to a country where it’s warm all year. You have no reason to take them.

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How do I pack my belongings?

You can start packing once you know exactly what you want to take abroad. If you hire a moving company like Baxter Shipping Moving Services, we will make sure you have the right packing boxes and the best packing materials. When moving abroad, the best things to use for packing are double-walled cardboard boxes and packing paper that hasn’t been bleached. Don’t forget to tape your boxes well so the things inside don’t fall out.

Make sure the people moving your furniture use covers to protect it from scuffs and scratches and keep it safe during the move.

Keep reading : Things to know Before Moving Abroad

What is the best way to pack clothes when moving abroad?

When you pack your things to move overseas, space is very important. When you vacuum-pack your clothes, you will save a lot of room and find that you can pack a lot more than you thought you could. Also, it will help keep your clothes clean and fresh while they are being shipped.

How can I organize my boxes so I know where everything is?

Getting your things ready to move abroad requires a lot of organization. You need to always know what you have and where it is. You will be able to keep track of all of your things if you label each box and make a simple inventory.

Take a picture of the inside of the box and the label once you’re done packing it. This will help you remember what’s inside. By keeping the photos on your phone while you move, you’ll be able to see what’s in each box.

Read on : How to Pack for an International Move from UAE

What should I do with my electronics?

When moving to another country, it’s a good idea to check the voltage output of your new home. Your electronics might not work if the output is lower than what they’re used to. If you don’t know what the voltage is in the country you’re going to, you can ask an estate agent. Remember to take out any batteries before you put all the electronics in a box.

Backing up your devices is a really helpful hack. This will keep you from losing any important photos, videos, or files while you move. Also, keep expensive things like iPads or laptops in your carry-on luggage instead of the hold.

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Where should I pack my valuables when moving abroad?

Make sure your jewelry, artwork, and other valuables are safe and secure if you are taking them with you. If they are small, it is best to keep them in your carry-on luggage, your larger luggage, or on you, so you don’t lose or damage them. But bigger things will need to be wrapped in a special way by the moving team.

Love skiing and snowboarding but don’t know how to get your gear across the ocean? Or do you want to play golf at your destination but don’t know how to get your clubs there without breaking them? Don’t be afraid! Baxter Shipping has a service for shipping extra items, equipment, and even extra suitcases to any place in the world. This will save you a lot of trouble.

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How can I make my new place abroad more homely?

Our last tip will help you feel more at home quickly in a new place: just bring some of your favorite things from home with you when you travel.

When you move to another country, it’s a good idea to pack a cozy blanket, some of your favorite books, and some photos. These things will help you feel more at home when you get there. Shipping your things or buying new ones takes time, so bringing a few of your favorite things with you will help you feel better right away.

Baxter Shipping Moving Services is here to help you with all of your moving needs. Why not get in touch with one of our dedicated relocation consultants? We can move you anytime, anywhere, whether it’s just a few boxes, a whole house, or even your business.